Thursday, July 2, 2015

what happened to the world

As a single parent today, I can clearly see that things are nowhere near where they use to be. Remember when a child acted as child? Playing with dolls, toy trucks, blocks, puzzles, video games and some would even read books while other played video games. Parents would help each other when needed even if the favor could not be returned. Children would play in the yard, at the park, in the pool and everybody was friendly. Now dont get me wrong there were some bad seeds in every era but it seems as though our future will not be too prosperous from what we all see today. For example when you do something from the kindness of your heart, for some reason sometimes it bites you in the ass. We all have our own beliefs and we judge others based on what we see and our beliefs. Then you have some people who judge just off of one or the other. To them there is no in-between according to them. Either way judging somebody is not what you get paid to do and we all know you not doing community service so stop it! I am so irritated with things like this only because now my kindness is biting me in my ass. After recently relocating alone I said I would avoid trouble in any shape or form. Some people befriended me in my new neighborhood for a whole year and everything was good until out of the kindness of my heart I made a positive move. I saw a situation going on between a couple which involved kids. My personal beliefs are single mothers need to stick together, I even give advice to some people who come to me. In the end of the situation the mother gets incarcerated and asks me to take her children and the keys to her house and car. I treated her children as if they were mine, stayed in contact with the family until her aunt arrived. When her aunt arrived i put the children and both keys in her hand and offered to help her clean up. The next day her aunt drove me to go get my daughters report card and dropped me off to do community service on fenwick street in augusta. The whole time i as in the car my hands were in my lap, the only thing I touched was the door. After her aunt left with the kids i text her aunt and called her aunt just checking on the kids and she told me they would be coming back to get some more stuff for the children. I was happy I was going to see the little minchkins again. Within the next 24-48 hours somebody broke into the home i was responsible for by choice.As soon as I heard the glass break I got scared because it sounded as if it was in my house. Since I was already on the phone with somebody who is always in the middle of something I told them what I thought was happening and hung up and called the police department and reported it anonmously with a fear that my home may be next. I even walked around the building to the back of the apartments and saw the evidence consiting of broken glass and a chair. With the fear of being seen I quickly walked back around the building and in the house. At that point I was terrified to either go to sleep or go back out,it was already midnight. The next morning I called maintenance and explained what was going on and asked them to lock her door and fix her window. The suspect left her door wide open as the person responsible I went in her home and took photos of certain areas and called her family to inform them of the incident. As soon as her mother got wind of the situation she blamed everything on me, not knowing a single detail about nothing just plain out assuming. When she was released I knocked on her door, even though she was at home, she never answered the door. Later that day a aquantaince of mine came to the door amped up talking about I put his name in it. I had already told her mom who I heard did it and had my messages to prove it. After hearing her say how she felt I spoke my piece and walked off. As I am leaving her house I get a phone call stating "stay away from my house before I come shoot all yall shit up!" I responded "if you wanna come down here and do something come fists up and leave the weapon!" Unfortunately not one of her people were willing to admit to making the phone call, I guess they was not war ready. As soon as that call ended I chose to call her brother in law chino and try to find out what was going on. He was just as loss as me in the situation so I decided to call the police because I needed somebody there that would interfere with the way my mind was thinking. I wanted to beat her ass that night! Making a move like that right now could have cost me everything so I had to protect her from me as well as protect me from myself. Since when does having a kind heart make somebody a suspect?

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

part VII continued

As Beatrice and her date entered the theatre they stopped at the concession stand and got some sweets for the movie. As she ordered her some milk duds and a drink the youngman behind the counter was so enticed by her look her could not focus on his job. He dropped 2 drinks and forgot to take payment for another. Monty looked at her and they laughed in unison. Monty then said "you see what your beauty does to men regardless of the age!" Beatrice responded "I cant help that I am blessed." They laughed again. Finally they recieved their order and only had three minutes to make it to the designated theatre. Because Beatrice knew her way around she knew exactly where the theatre was located. When they found a seat they cuddled as close as they could and waited for the movie to start. During the movie a couple came in and sat directly in front of Monty and Beatrice, when they sat down everything was fine until they started arguing. Beatrice took this as long as she could and even told Monty if they didnt shut the fuck up she was gonna take action. The longer she waited for this to end the louder they became, sobeatrice decided to speak up but in a cordial way. Beatrice politely tapped the woman on her shoulder and said "Excuse me miss, can you keep it down we are trying to enjoy the movie?" The woman responds nastily saying "You can mind your business, this has nothing to do with you!" At that point Beatrice lost it. Monty tried to grab her and she smacked him in the face as she was standing to approach the woman. Beatrice the told the woman "Bitch, I dont give a damn about how you or your man feel right now! I advise you to shut the fuck up about all that shit because you brought your business to the fucking theatre! You should have stayed at fucking home for all that shit!" The woman replies, "I advise you to have a seat because I am not in the mood for none of this", beatrice remained standing and says "Try me bitch! You should think about what you do before you do it because youfucking with the wrong one! I just asked you to keep it down but if you wanna take this to the next level I really hope you are fucking ready!" As soon as the woman said one word Beatrice was over the seat on top of her punching her in the face so hard she damn near brokeher nose. Everybody in the theatre crowded around and when the employees and police came they all defended Beatrice. The lady wanted to press charges but she knew in the court of law she was dead wrong for bringing her problems to the movie theatre. After speaking to the officers Beatrice and Monty left the thatre and went to the bar. At the bar Beatrice ordered two shots of gin straight and Monty ordered two shot of hennesey. As they took their shots they talked about the situation that had just took place. Monty said "Hey B, why you jump on that lady like that?" Beatrice said "She should have watched her mouth! I did not say anything wrong to her from jump!" They both laughed. They left th bar around twelve thirty and he took Beatrice back home. You would think Monty and Beatrice were in a relationship because they spent so much time together but that was only because Monty didnt like to go out alone and he barely had any friends besides Beatrice.The next morning Beatrice got a call from Toby who was a guy she attended high school with and she always wanted to go on one date with him and this was her chance! Beatrice answered the phone with a joyous tone and she could hear the smile form on his lips. There was only one reason he called and she already knew he wanted to see her. Not knowing his reasons for wanting to see her she agreed to meet up with him. When he arrived at the proposed destination he saw her standing there in some fitted jeans, a blue shirt and some blue heels. She looked so astonishing that he almost missed his turn to get to her and that made her laugh. When she got in the car she asked him "so, what do you want to do?" He responded, "Lets go out to eat!" Beatrice was prepared for anything. He then looked ather and said "you look great!" She replied "Thank you" then there was a brief pause. They rode to va beach and dined in at the cheesecake factory.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

why is having a title so important

Why do people think titles are what helps to build bonds and make relationships stronger or even make people think there is a lot of trust in the relationship. Trust is not built easily for some bt others its like cutting a pie. If somebody tell another individual they are not looking for a relationship or ready for one they just want to have sex. Sex is a bonus to any relationship unless that is what it is based around. You should be able to talk, laugh, cry, comfort, or even joke with their partner. Why do some people think others are supposed to sit around and wait for the other to come to their senses. You have got to be crazy to give somebody more than a year to either leave you alone or stay around. The way I see it while you are dealing with the pain of confusion and emotions you take that time to work on yourself. As you work on yourself you will eventually find happiness. Sometimes you fall in love with somebody who has not quite figured out what they want in life other than money, sex and whatever else they decide. You have only two choices and that is deal with all the bullshit that cpmes with the relationship or move on. Then you have the times when everything is just right but things just dont come out well when planned. This is a situation where you have to have faith in true love, loyalty and trust but sometimes things go wrong and you cant seem to make it right. There is nothing wrong with being true friends before taking things to the next step. Sometimes you may get the urge to push forward but thats when you show your true strength. When you hold back emotional and sexual urges you will realize exactly how strong you are and you will no longer allow certsin things to be a issue in your life. Losing somebody that means so much to you can hurt so bad but nobody ever realizes exactly how much that someone means until they are no longer in their life. So before making a decision on whether or not this person is boyfriend/girlfriend material make sure they have more qualities you like before placing a title on things. When you put a title on things some people take things too far and try to control you in some type of way. Having a title is not a secure way of preventing somebody from cheating. All a title means is that one or both of you are feeling the same about each other or one feels mor for the other. So please choose wisely with your life decisions because you never really know a person until you get a chance to see them in the light of day. In the words of my grandmother you never know if they are a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

moving on

Nine years ago I met a man that I never thought would change my life in any way. He was a kind, loving, responsible young man. He showed me more affection than any man before and I was dwelling in the moment. We had our good times and we had our bad times but through it all we had each others back in just about every situation. We were engaged twice and I turned him down twice. There were only two situations I felt alone in. One was I had to defend our names against my neighbors boyfriend and i got a scar to prove it,then I was put on child support no means of paying but hewanted me to stay home. Now I could work if I wanted to and I did. Now ten years later he gets married on mother's day after he tells me he wants to come get our daughter. As a protective mother and I have never seen this woman, talked to this woman or met this woman i dont think it would be proper for me as a parent to allow my child around someone i have never had a conversation with. Now this is not a weekend stay she will actually be going for months and she is only four years of age. Now my concern is some people treat other kids different than their own and knowing that her father will be working most of the time yhat leaves my child in her hands. Granted he is a good father to both his children butafter being with this man for nine long years I know what he is capable of and what he will do. He will leave everything for her to do as if all he is supposed to do is work and take care of the bills. Other than that and his attitude he was wonderful as a family man. He has only known this woman less than a year and I am afraid of what she is capabe of. Now to solve my issues I have offered for him and his wife to come to my childs graduation even though the marriage is queastionable to me. Women can be very devious and men who are still getting over previous loves fall victim and i am scared this may be the case. I care so much for both my baby and baby's father that i dont want neither one to be hurt. Should I leave it alone and allow my child aroundthis mysterious woman or should I stick to how i feel and take it from there regardless of how he feel?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

When you try so hard

When you try so hard to be more than what people expect of you nobody knows how hard it is on you. Especially when you are a single mother raising kids without the help of any male figure and things start to go south not for your children but for you. You are standing strong at one point and all of a sudden something knocks you down. You are getting up from it but it takes forever for you to stand strong again. This drives me crazy and being that I am really in this alone I sometimes have a hard time focusing on what I have to do. I am a strong minded, strong willed, independent woman whonis willing to do anything for her family and cant find a foundation to build on. Throughout my life I have learned there are people who want to see you succeed and people who want to see you fail. It is so sad to me that parents today allow their children to go overboard at a young age and then when the shit hits the fan claims to know nothing or tried to stop them! When you make them respect you and other adults, be responsible and take care of their home sometimes they grow to be respectable adults. Some kids just have a mind of their own with a outrageous attitude and you fear hurting them which makes it hard to punish them in any shape or form but something needs to happen! I personally face the smart mouth, moody, lazy teenager who does not believe any punishment is fair. Since when is it ok for a child to speak to an adult in any tone? Why is it wrong for me to spank my child for doing something they shouldnt have based on the severity? Is the world today trying to allow these children, our future, to destry or end civilization? The bible even says spare the rod spoil the child! There are consequences to being a here on earth with all these laws that restrict certain aspects in life. If your child raises a hand at you, supposedly you are supposed to talk it out without any violence, but what of that technique does not work for that specific child? As a parent I do not think abuse is the same as a spanking which some children need! It is completely crazy for you to allow your child to act out or even sit on the floor in public unless its part of the outing. Control your children and raise them to respect others and our future will remain in tact! Think on that before you agree that something a parent does is not done properly. Each child is handled differently!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

why do me do what they do

Some of these men today need a reality check! They need to realize that love does not come with a good connection at first. Shit some people actually cant stand each other at first and most of the time its only because they have so much feelings for one another. When they actually put in the work to show a bad, confused, abused, well basically damaged girl she has no idea what she has and does him wrong. Every man is not built ford tough, in touch with their feelings or ready to commit to a serious relationship. As individuals, even us women, have our reserved feelings about people's motives. Sometime not only do they have to put in some hard word the damaged individual does too. Now as you can see I changed it from men to individuals because today women are just as bad as men. Sometimes you gotta be patient and continue to focus on you as the other individual does what it is they do best. I am not saying stick around or wait around for a individual to get it right! If you run into a good catch to let it loose because you still feeling somebody else. Give them a fighting chance at your heart and stop letting the past control your future. We all deserve happiness but sometimes happiness comes at a price and it all about if you want to pay it do so on your own. The only thing a female or male should do in a relationship ,especially if they not serious, is buy when and what he/she wants when they want. The other party should be grateful they have somebody who will do things out of the kindness of their hearts. My message to all of our youth is to cherish the woman who cherishes you and always keep one eye open. Everything can not be solved with violence so think before you act!

Monday, April 27, 2015

what is considered stalking

There is a definition for the word stalking and then there is my definition of stalking! The definition of stalking is unwanted attention from a individual or group of individuals, now my definition just goes a little more into detail. This goes for guys and girls! If you have dated or just see this person and you can't seem to let them live a normal life without showing your face you stalking. If you always seem to have a attitude or seem extra happy when a certain individual is mentioned you borderline stalking. If you stay nowhere near their neighborhood and always seem to find a reason to be in the area, even if it is family you dont really like, you stalking. Since when does a person doing things they dont normally do to see a individual is plain stalking. Why can't some people just accept that either they are wanted or unwanted by an individual? Why is it so hard for people to express their feelings? The way I see it we are all grown and we should all be completely honest with the other party from jump. Think on that and leave your thoughts

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The things you go through when you in love

I always knew I was wifey material but guys always gotta be selfish, disrespectful or disloyal. As a single woman I have been through so much with so many guys I have gotten to the point where my tolerance is low for men because of the things written above. Previously I was talking to this guy for years on and off and he always gave me what i wanted bt i had to deal with other females and too much drama. After him it was a guy who was always irritated and stayed being mean for no reason, I could not deal with him at all! He only lasted about 2 weeks. Then there were the liars that came around when beneficial to them and stay lying about unneccessary shit. They only las a week at the most with me lmao. Then you have the ones who cant comprehend nothing thats being said, everything is always misinterpreted. Miscommunication is a problem for me being that I am very intellectual and conversating is something I like to do, which means they only last a few days lls. Ok now my problem is i met a guy who contains every single one of those traits but he is so addictive to me. This man was my everything in my new space and he took that away from me. I finally decided to give him my all and he bounced with too much animosity for no reason. I fell in love with the crazy contraption god made this man to be and I cant seem to shake the feelings. No matter what I do or who I talk to he always resurfaces in my mind. I could be cuddling with somebody and get the urge to text him or just start thinking about him and he act like he wants nothing to do with me. This man is driving me into a pit of feelings that i cant control no matter how hard I try. He obviously still has something going for me because he keeps riding past my house knowing he dont talk to nobody on my street. He always bringing me up to the same people he dont talk to like that knowing they my associates too. In my mind i wanna move on but my heart wont allow me to.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Before leaving her grandmothers home Beatrice made it known she wanted the money owed to her for filing her child. Her grandmother angrily told her "I am not giving you shit, I will spend that money on the baby!". Instead of continuing to argue with her grandmother Beatrice politely packed her and her baby things as she looked for a motel for her family to stay in. By the time her grandmother came home from work her house was empty of anything that would remind her of Beatrice. As soon as she got settled in the room she sat down and put the baby to sleep and made one phone call to a close friend who she knew would come to her rescue. Out of all the people she encountered between nine different schools and two different cities she only had a handful that she could trust. This guy was a lifesaver every time and regardless of what he was doing he made time for Beatrice. She called him Monty, she had a thing where your real name was something that should never be used so she gave everybody their own name. She called him Monty because he was a nice guy who had good money and did not mind spending. When the phone call was over she finally asked her parents to keep the baby because she was sleeping and at that time they no longer used drugs. Monty would be there in twenty minutes so she had to clean up quick! She went in the room and found a nice pair of blue jeans, a black top, some clean underclothes and a pair of all black knee high boots. She was ready to go on the town in fifteen minutes and still had time to smoke the blunt she rolled while she was on the phone with Monty. As soon as she lit the blunt she heard a knock at the door and politely said "who is it?", but she could barely hear their response. So she got up and went to the door and repeated herself, this time she heard them and opened the door. As she was opening the door she seen Monty pulling up. She wanted to surprise him with her new look since he had not seen her in a few days so she closed the door and waited for his call. As she waited for his call she continued to talk to a old friend she had not seen since high school named Corey. They use to always pick with each other and plot on others together outside of school. Two minutes later the phone rings instead of answering on the first ring she waited for the third ring and answered. Before she left the house the gave herself one more look over and walked outside and down the steps. Montty did not see Beatrice until she started coming down the steps so at first all he saw was a pair of womens high heeled knee high boots. As Beatrice face slowly appeared and he realized whonit was he mouth dropped wide open in shock because he was unaware of what he should expect. When she got in the car all he could do was smile and gawk at her beauty. She was not sure of his response so she blushed as he took it all in and two minutes later they pulled off. As they rode down Jefferson ave he asked her "what do you want to do?" She replied "can we go to the movies?" Before she knew it he was already in route to Regal Cinemas and knew what they were going to see. She walked in the theatre with so much pride and confidence even the workers noticed her. As he bought the tickets a guy standing with his date for the night was sending Beatrice eye signals and she just turned her head.

The way people think today

In today's world I have noticed that people are not as kind and friendly as they use to be. We all have our own minds yes but do people have to be so devious, trifling or just plain old wrong? In my life I have ran across plenty of nasty individuals who are looking to only get what they want or need from you everytime they come see you. I recently enountered a guy who treated me like a queen and cared for my kids as if they were his bt in the end he did nothing bt talk bad about me, stalk me and curse at me after we stop talking. In my previous relationship i was well taken care of as long as I did what he needed done until I had his child then he did everything because of his child. I have encountered several women who took advantage of a good man making it hard for a good woman to keep him. There are a shortage of good men and women in the world today because of people doing things to hurt them mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. Why hurt people who break their backs to be a part of your life? Why be a careless person when you can be a person of gratitude, honesty, trust and loyalty?