Thursday, May 14, 2015

moving on

Nine years ago I met a man that I never thought would change my life in any way. He was a kind, loving, responsible young man. He showed me more affection than any man before and I was dwelling in the moment. We had our good times and we had our bad times but through it all we had each others back in just about every situation. We were engaged twice and I turned him down twice. There were only two situations I felt alone in. One was I had to defend our names against my neighbors boyfriend and i got a scar to prove it,then I was put on child support no means of paying but hewanted me to stay home. Now I could work if I wanted to and I did. Now ten years later he gets married on mother's day after he tells me he wants to come get our daughter. As a protective mother and I have never seen this woman, talked to this woman or met this woman i dont think it would be proper for me as a parent to allow my child around someone i have never had a conversation with. Now this is not a weekend stay she will actually be going for months and she is only four years of age. Now my concern is some people treat other kids different than their own and knowing that her father will be working most of the time yhat leaves my child in her hands. Granted he is a good father to both his children butafter being with this man for nine long years I know what he is capable of and what he will do. He will leave everything for her to do as if all he is supposed to do is work and take care of the bills. Other than that and his attitude he was wonderful as a family man. He has only known this woman less than a year and I am afraid of what she is capabe of. Now to solve my issues I have offered for him and his wife to come to my childs graduation even though the marriage is queastionable to me. Women can be very devious and men who are still getting over previous loves fall victim and i am scared this may be the case. I care so much for both my baby and baby's father that i dont want neither one to be hurt. Should I leave it alone and allow my child aroundthis mysterious woman or should I stick to how i feel and take it from there regardless of how he feel?

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