Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Part III

while thinking about Bryan's proposal for a while and the way he treats her and everything else she had going on. Granted he was a good lover but he had his faults. He would take her to his house regardles of what woman he had in his room, fix her breakfast after meeting her at her bus top or on the way and giving her at least $500 to spend as she please. She was young but she was a accessory that plenty of guys wanted. He woud do anything for her even have his guys follow her and he would say it was for her protection. How he would always seem to find her when she moved and say '' If you leave your boyfriend I will leave my girlfriend and we can go get married right now!''. This was strange to her, she had never thought or paid attention to anything outside the money and sex. She was blinded by something that could make her or break her. Everybody in the neighborhood knew about her pregnancy and she still had not told her father. One day while she was over a friends house somebody told her that her apartment was on fire. Even though she was pregnant she started asking questions about the incident. She was told a cousin of hers was behind the apartment in the exact spot the fire started before the flames began to grow. As she put it all together in her mind she ran to where her cousin was and confronted him and she was ready to fight. Due to fire dmage to the apartment they had to move and had three days to get all their stuff out. They lost everything including items that reminded her of her grandfather and photo albums. They moved and she changed schools and ran into some old friends and new friends. As she grew throught her pregnancy and started to wobble because she was only  five foot three and now weighed almost two hundred pounds. When she told Kalib, how was he gonna respond was all she could think about. He was her main dude and he was very immature. When he found out he said it wasn't his and that hurt her feelings so she went on throughout the pregnancy with her parents and that is what she did. She was worried about her childs health because of the heavy drinking and smoking she did the first four months. During her eleventh grade year while she carried her baby she countinued to go to school. When she was seven in a half months pregnant she went to the office and asked for a elevator key because taking the steps everyday was becoming a problem. They refused to give her a key to the elevator because it was only used for hadicap students. The next day while trying to make it to class she went up the stairs and lost her balance. Luckily there was another student behind her and gave her a hand by adding support to her back. When she got to class shr was exahuasted, she tried to pay attention in class but she was too tired to stay awake. She slept through most of the class and had to go back downstairs to get to the next one. When she got downstairs she went straight to her guidance counselor and told her what had just happened by the end of the day she got notified that she was gonna start homebound. They assigned a teacher to come to her house and teach her to avoid any incidents. For the remainder of her pregnancy she kept good grades and she still talked to Kalib because he was incarcerated and none of his other females would not accept his calls or write. In April of 2000 she gave birth to a healthy baby girl and was ready to go back to school but there was one problem. She had a boil on her butt and was forced to continue homebound. Eventually her homebound teacher had decided the she was only going to come on Mondays and Fridays then eventually she did not come at all. When she finally got her report card she had all F's and one A so she made the decision to call the school board again and find out what she had to do to get her grades right.

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