Monday, July 14, 2014

Learning how to be a mother

Even though her parents were still on drugs Beatrice  did whatever  she had or wanted to do. She was starting ti realize ahead had to be an adult and stop running the streets during her free time. She trusted her parents but not with her child while they were on drugs because of what happened to her. At this point she started focusing on getting a job even though she just found out she would have to attend night school in order to graduate. So during the summer she got a job working in a call center, then along comes the school year. Now she attends school during regular hour getting out at 1, right school ending at 3 and work from 3-12. Her schedule was now full, she did not have time fir her child let alone her self. Things were going fine when all of a sudden her baby got sick. When she took her to the doctor they said basically the baby was healthy and at that point she decided her schedule was too busy for a 3-7 month old. Before quitting her job she discussed with her parents about transportation and she hit a dead end with them again. She made a promise to herself that she was going to try and be a little more independent and that went good for a few months until she had to drop out of school. That was the hardest thing for her to do because ahead has always been interested in going to college and she was already in her senior year. Making that decision broke her heart but it was either the education or the income, which both of them will help provide for a family she chose the one she needed at that time the most. When tax time rolled around everybody wanted to file her child but she planned on filing her but her papers never arrived so she told her mom she could file her. When her grandmother asked about it she expressed he mother would be doing it and germ grandmother took it upon herself and filed her anyway.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Part VI

After finally getting in touch with the school board she found out her parents had to support her story by going to the school board. Her mother said she had to work so she asked her father who was not working at the time and he also said no. Beatrice made the decision to continue going to school and do all she can to graduate. The first year of her daughters life was hard for her. Between going to high school from 7 a.m to 12 p.m, night school from 1p.m to 3 p.m and working from 3p.m til midnight she was most exhausted while her baby was getting sick. Beatrice asked her parents to co-sign on a car and they refused. She brought her grades up but had to quit school because her baby needed her and her parents were still on drugs. Although she was surrounded by family she still had very little support and wanted more out of life not only for her but for her baby. She had no idea raising a child would be as hard as it was for her, her child had problems from birth that she was unaware of due to lack of information. Long sleepless nights and countless doctors visits were her schedule over the next 4 years to find out what was wrong with her baby girl and what she could do to help. At the age of five her daughter was diagnosed with chronic constipation, which could have been caught at birth. To find out her baby colon was backed up and not working properly was heart breaking, she did everything she possibly could to comply with the doctors. Valentines day that year she got pregnant with her second child and was still in a odd position in life. Pregnant and all she was at every doctors appointment and still worked to provide although there was a good chance of her losing the job because she need more time off than normal. On november she gave birth to another beautiful baby girl and her heart grew warmer

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Part III

while thinking about Bryan's proposal for a while and the way he treats her and everything else she had going on. Granted he was a good lover but he had his faults. He would take her to his house regardles of what woman he had in his room, fix her breakfast after meeting her at her bus top or on the way and giving her at least $500 to spend as she please. She was young but she was a accessory that plenty of guys wanted. He woud do anything for her even have his guys follow her and he would say it was for her protection. How he would always seem to find her when she moved and say '' If you leave your boyfriend I will leave my girlfriend and we can go get married right now!''. This was strange to her, she had never thought or paid attention to anything outside the money and sex. She was blinded by something that could make her or break her. Everybody in the neighborhood knew about her pregnancy and she still had not told her father. One day while she was over a friends house somebody told her that her apartment was on fire. Even though she was pregnant she started asking questions about the incident. She was told a cousin of hers was behind the apartment in the exact spot the fire started before the flames began to grow. As she put it all together in her mind she ran to where her cousin was and confronted him and she was ready to fight. Due to fire dmage to the apartment they had to move and had three days to get all their stuff out. They lost everything including items that reminded her of her grandfather and photo albums. They moved and she changed schools and ran into some old friends and new friends. As she grew throught her pregnancy and started to wobble because she was only  five foot three and now weighed almost two hundred pounds. When she told Kalib, how was he gonna respond was all she could think about. He was her main dude and he was very immature. When he found out he said it wasn't his and that hurt her feelings so she went on throughout the pregnancy with her parents and that is what she did. She was worried about her childs health because of the heavy drinking and smoking she did the first four months. During her eleventh grade year while she carried her baby she countinued to go to school. When she was seven in a half months pregnant she went to the office and asked for a elevator key because taking the steps everyday was becoming a problem. They refused to give her a key to the elevator because it was only used for hadicap students. The next day while trying to make it to class she went up the stairs and lost her balance. Luckily there was another student behind her and gave her a hand by adding support to her back. When she got to class shr was exahuasted, she tried to pay attention in class but she was too tired to stay awake. She slept through most of the class and had to go back downstairs to get to the next one. When she got downstairs she went straight to her guidance counselor and told her what had just happened by the end of the day she got notified that she was gonna start homebound. They assigned a teacher to come to her house and teach her to avoid any incidents. For the remainder of her pregnancy she kept good grades and she still talked to Kalib because he was incarcerated and none of his other females would not accept his calls or write. In April of 2000 she gave birth to a healthy baby girl and was ready to go back to school but there was one problem. She had a boil on her butt and was forced to continue homebound. Eventually her homebound teacher had decided the she was only going to come on Mondays and Fridays then eventually she did not come at all. When she finally got her report card she had all F's and one A so she made the decision to call the school board again and find out what she had to do to get her grades right.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Street life II part one

Beatrice accepted the proposal from Bryan but refused to move in with him. She was in a cosmetology class in the mornings. This class was not located inside her school, so they had a bus that would transport  the kids back and forth to Paul Jones education center. The next morning when she woke up to go to school her stomach was turning. Beatrice thought it was from the night before because she was drinking heavy and smoking heavy as well as smoking cigarettes. So she decided she was not going to school until noon, she sent Clarice to school and went to see her friend Tasha. When she got to Tasha's house she found out Tasha was hung over too. Tasha told her ''The best way to get over a hang over is to drink another alcoholic beverage.'', so Beatrice took that drink. As they were drinking and talking Tasha was rolling a blunt and Beatrice noticed that her stomach did feel a little better but was still hurting. While they smoked Tasha said '' You need to go to school'', Beatrice then told her '' Girl I was still drunk when I woke up this morning, there was no way I was gonna go to school like that! I am going to schol at 12 since none of my classes at the school start until after lunch.'', Tasha agreed and rolled another blunt. When 12 o'clock came beatrice thought about her day as she was getting dressed and someone knocked on the door. When she opened the door it was Kalib and he came over so they can spend some time together. They smoked 3 more blunts while they cuddled on the couch, then they went upstairs to have sex. After a hour and a half Kalib had to leave to go make a sell and school was letting out so Beatrice went to see another friend named Angel. She was one of her closest friends in the neighborhood and they had a little group that they hung out with. Angel and Beatrice played a card game called five thousand for almost a hour then Victoria, Malika, Yolanda, and Wendy walked in, so they started playing spades. Yolonda did not play cards so she just sat and watched. This was the house that everybody hung out at and Angel's mother was a really cool addict who didn't care aboit the company they kept. She spent most of her time in her room with her friends, there was no mystery as to what was going on up there because when you go upstairs you could smell the stinch of her drug of choice. The next thing Beatrice knew Kalib was walking through the door and he came to sit right beside Beatrice. Everybody knew Kalib and Beatrice was talking but nobody knew if it was serious or not. Only Beatrice and Kalib knew the answer to that and their lips were sealed. As Beatrice continued to play cards Kalib rolled a blunt and passed it around. There was only Kalib, Beatrice and Malika smoking  the blunt which was better to them. ''The less people smoking the higher we get'' Kalib said.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Strret life 2 part two

Bryan would do his dirt and then disappear for months and come back thinking things would still be the same. Even though Beatrice was only 16 she was mot blind to his actions. The months he was gone he had other females and still had his guys on her tail keeping chevk on her. One day he left to go do some dirt and go caught. Beatrice was at his house waiting for him to come back and then there was a hard knock at the door. When she looked out the windoe she saw a police car sitting outside so she opened the door. The officer at the door handed her a set of car keys and told her they had bryan in custody. She was upset at him but she went to the window of the police car and Bryan told her where she could find the car. Now she was at his house feeling a little uneasy because the only other person there was his cousin John. John was a drug addict and she did not trust him one bit but she couldnt go home at 3:30 in the morning and all her friends were sleep. So as she laid down she put the keys under the blanket she was laying on and just laid there eventually she fell asleep. When she got up in the morning to go get the car the keys were gone and so was John. So she got herself together and went home to shower amd eat something.
Later that day she went to her friend's house and they would play spades, go for walks, gossip, and cause chaos sometimes. As the day went on Kalib came over and joined in on the fun. He rolled a blunt and they smoked and played cards while talking trash. For some reason when Kalib was around Beatrice could not control her hormones and her judy would always start jumping. He turned her on so much she couldnt control herself and knew it. He had the most beautiful smile with the whitest teeth and had the best sense of humor with the right amount of thug. He was just her type but neither of them were ready to settle down, he was all about his women and she was thinking more of she was too young to settle down. Their relationship was open so jealousy did not exist because all either one of the had to do was comtact the other some type of way and they were there. This was the kind of relationship that brought on a lot of drama. His women would approach Beatrice and say things like ''why you talking to my man?'', Beatrice would always let them know he was gonna always be hers but she letting him play for a while. Since the Kalib could not control his women Beatrice decided she would make another friend who stayed in a different area. Instead she ran into a tall light skinned guy with a sexy body, lucious lips, and a repution in the bed. They tallked when they saw each other around the neighborhood but never on an intimate level, but Beatrice was thinking more on the intimate side. One day when they decided to go sit and have some drinks and smoke a blunt or two one thing lead to another. He was well endowed and gave slow short strokes with a light thrust while she thrusted back. To Beatrice this was a one time thing but it turned out to be more like 4 times.
One afternoon this sexy guy came and asked for more but Beatrice said no so he left. The next day while she was at her friend house sitting on the porch drinking and smoking she noticed he was coming up the street so she went in the house. He chased her upstairs to the bathroom and put his gun to her head and said''You are gonna give me some more of that pussy!''. Beatrice lookeed him in the eye and said''So what you gone shoot me cause I wont fuck you? There is a porch full of people outside so you have no chance of getting away with it! Is it that good to you, you gotta threaten a bitch to get it? Get out my way!''. She tried to push past him and he wouldnt budge, so she then said to him '' What the hell! Did you not hear what I said? You might as well get the thought of taking it out of your head too cause they all saw you chase me up here!'' amd she walked out. Later that year a guy she used to be in middle school with saw her and asked her out again for the 5th time since middle school. She wanted him to leave her alone but did not want him to get hurt so she told him she had a boyfriend and who he was. Two days later while playing craps Kalib was shot. Beatrice felt like something was up and three hours after Kalib was shot the guy she knew in middle school approched her again and said ''How about now he cant do nothing for you?''. How was Beatrice going to tell Kalib he was caught up in her mess of a rejection? What could she do? She finally decided to keep it to herself for a while she would eventually tell him. When Kalib came home from the hospital that night Beatrice was the first person he asked for and she came to his call. She spent most of the night at his house helping him and she even gave him some, of course he didnt do no work but they both enjoyed each part they played. The next day she went to school and came home and took a hot bubble bath before starting her free time. Kalib and Beatrice would drop anything they were doing for each other and their relationship grew more and more. They were best friends and lovers at the same time.
In the meantime Bryan get released and finds his way back to Beatrice and does everything possible to get her back. Yeah she was still young but he had to buy her shoes, clothes and take her out to eat and to the movies. He decided the best way to keep Beatrice happy was to fill a mens size 11 Nike shoe box up with money so she can get what she wants when she want it. Two days later they had sex, he kissed her from head to toe and passionately rubbed her body. He made her feel like a real woman that day cause he touched every part of her physically and mentally. Four months later while Beatrice was walking to the store with some friends she threw up in mid stride and replied ''somethings not right!'', but she was still hungry so she went to the store amd got her some chicken wings and fries with a sprite. Three days later she went to the doctor and found out she was four months pregnant. At this point she could only think about what her father said which was ''You better not come home pregnant cause I am gonna put you out!''. Before her and her mother left the doctors office Beatrice had already asked her mother not to tell her father.  Her mother agreed but told Beatrice she had to tell him. As weeks went by she still had not told her father she was pregnant and started wearing more boy clothes than girls. When Bryan found out Beatrice was pregnat his first solution was to marry her. So he proposed and she took the ring but with precaution because he had his ways. He was sneaky and careless at the same time, devious and had a heart of fury. When Beatrice said ''my parents are not going to allow me to marry you or live with you?''. He offer to supply their drug habit and get a duplex so her parents could still be in the same house as her. Beatrice reassured him just because her parents were on drugs does not mean they will agree to anything. They still worked and made sure their kids could eat and had clothes om their back and a roof over their head. So Beatrice knew that this was not gonna work.
More to come next week, this is where it starts to,get good so stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Street life

Beatrice was always going somewhere and Clarice always wanted to go. This was not a problem for Beatrice because she liked having her sister around unlike some of the other siblings she knew. Keeping her sister happy was a priority for her, family is all that mattered. One guy talked her out of her panties not knowing that she had a trick for him. The entire time he was rubbing thighs and lips and maybe getting a little juices but never did he penetrate her. She finally decided to give her boyfriend at that time some and she really enjoyed it! They did it a lot and she enjoyed it so much she would have sex a lot. As time went on the moved to another neighborhood and Beatrice was on her way to graduating. Never think that the surrounding you raise your child in has no influence on their lives. You can talk until you are blue in the face but you can not control what happens outside your doors. Beatrice met a guy named Bryan, he was at least 8 years older than her and he flowered her with sweet sayings and comments, money, gifts, and attention.  One day when she came home from school he wanted to go for a walk with her and then go sit at the park. At the end of the day they went to his sisters house one thing lead to another and he showed her what it felt lie to make love. He kissed her from head to toe and so much more at that point she knew how it felt to be hooked on a dude. No matter if they were seperated and each had their own thing going they would always come back to each other. This was a major distraction in her life at the moment. She started skipping school, smoking more, drinking, and had a pocket full of money at least three days a week. He would give her whatever she asked for. When Beatrice moved she met another guy named Kalib she was not really ready for. He was only two or three years older than her but he was well experienced. They did not try to make a relationship they were just friends with benefits. Having sex to them was like going out to eat, done often and enjoyed a little too much. She started thinking" if the guys are doing women like this why cant a woman do it to a man?". Then she realized the best way to do it is learn their techniques and how their minds work. So she then picked up a guy that went to her high school and they agreed that there were only dating for the school year. She taught herself how not to get to caught up emotionally with any dude. When the school year was over it was only Bryan and Kalib. Bryan was too deep in the streets for her to get caught up with and Kalib was in the streets but  not too far. Kalib was more into drug dealing while Bryan was into doing what it takes to make that money from drugs to murder.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A whole new world

Clarice and Beatrice were closer than ever and they started going skating, to the mall, walking, and even the carnival. They had so much fun while they were together. They both liked to dance and they would always dance around the room on rainy or snowy days. Beatrice was still being picked on by guys not knowing they liked her so she would try different things to make her look pretty. She starting babbling in women's fashion a little more. Just understand this one thing, she never really dressed like a girl but did not like long clothing unless they were pantsor capri's. One day while she was at the mall she saw a really cute mini skirt and thought " I wonder how this would look on me". So she went into the dressing room and tried it on and was surprised at how nice it looked on her. At this point she was sold and did not want anything else. When her and Clarice returned home she hung the skirt in her closet and did her chores while Clarity did her homework from Friday. She elementary day at home on the phone or reading. She had a collection of teddy bears, jewelry, shoes, and lots of other things to keep her occupied. The next day she went to a friends house and spent some time with her and her cousins. Visiting them would always be fun and she would visit them just about everyday. They would have parties and family gatherings that Clarice and Beatrice were always invited to.
I really apologize for the short portions but my laptop is broken and these are just a little something keep you interested. If you like my blog please follow me and continue to show some support. I appreciate each and every one of you and I will continue to make post at least three times a week. I am posting short stories for now but continue to follow for more longer stories coming soon.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


When Beatrice's brother Jackson was going through a crazy court case with a crazy judge, she was still focused. Eventually they moved to another neighborhood and Jackson was still gone. New school, new home, new life and to Beatrice this was gonna be hard but st least she had her grandfather. The first week in school was easy but when people started noticing her it got a little rocky. Some girls wanted to pick on her, while others just did not talk to her. She got tired of the bullying and trash talking so instead of staying focused she decided to speak her mind. At that point she gained a little more respect and even made some new friends. One weekend while she had company her grandfather collapsed and died of cancer. This was the second man she really cared about that she lost. She became very disruptive in class but her grades never dropped though. One weekend  That summer she joined a cheerleading team to keep her busy plus she liked it. There was only one problem too much free time and not enough to do. Her friends were all partying and having fun while all she did was sit at home. Bored with her daily routine she started to go to the beach with her sister and friends, that's when she started spending more time in the street. To her it was harmless until she noticed that some of her friends smoke, drink, and even have sex. She never joined in because she did not think she was ready for sex, but she would try drinking and smoking. Peer pressure is a real problem in this world.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Open your eyes II

In middle school Beatrice joined chorus and went on to all city chorus. During the summer she would spend most of her time at the pool or the beach. For a summer or two her mother put her in a camp at her job which should have fitted Beatrice very well. She was so hurt by the fact that they were holding Jackson in custody she did not act like herself and was sent home everyday. Instead of going home she would go work with her mother. At this time her mother was the secretary of a library so she would help her mother file, print, and replace books. She also learned how to type while she was there. MeanWhile Jackson was into making fast money. One night while they were all sitting in the house eating Chinese food there was a big bang at the door. Normally you would think it was the police knocking but instead it was a boy from the neighborhood. The bang happened again and finally her dad got up and went to the door to find the boy running, so he chased him. Behind her fathers Jackson, when they caught him they beat him. A few months later they was a hard knock at the door. This time it was the police looking for Jackson. Apparently  Jackson has been taking his spare time and using it to steal to make money. It was a horrific moment for Beatrice, the only brother she was close to was getting incarcerated. That broke her heart. She continued to focus on her studies at that point that was all that mattered. No more fun times with Jackson but deep down she hoped he would come home soon.

oopen your eyes

I used know a girl who was very active as a child. She liked to ride bikes, swim, dance, sing, do puzzles, play all sorts of games, but her favorite game was sorry. She was very happy as a child and she was even into her education. Her name was Beatrice. She was quite a little tom boy too! At a young age she he witnessed her parents fighting, father drinking but she had a great relationship with them. She had two other siblings in home as well a brother named Jackson and a sister named Clarice. They played all the time and had lots of fun. Climbing trees, going to the beach, and listening to music were some of the things they did. As time went on Jackson became interested in the streets and Beatrice became interested in careers. This is just part of the story so if you want to read more. You just have to stay tuned and show as little support. I am a single mother of Three boggling and using my talent like I am supposed to do. So to all my parents pay close attention because some people's lives are deeper than what you see. Yes each individual has a choice on where their lives end up but there is a lot more to it.